Don’t let the way you speak get between you and…

the jury
a promotion
your election
a new client
your mission

Helping politicians, attorneys, and business professionals eliminate the vocal issues that are preventing them from communicating powerfully and persuasively.

Are you living the nightmare?

You know… the one where you are speaking to an influential constituent and slowly you start to feel their energy and attention slipping away.

You get more and more nervous, your voice starts to shake, you can’t get enough breath. You start to mumble and stumble – wishing you could press “rewind” on this whole moment because you know you’ve got better than this in you.

Or maybe it’s the nightmare where you’ve just given your presentation and you’re feeling pretty happy about how it went – until your boss lets you know that you looked more angry than passionate…

…and your charisma didn’t really shine through on Zoom, and for some reason your eyes weren’t connecting with other participants.

Or is it simply the nightmare of losing your voice on the campaign trail?

too high… too low… too jumbled… too monotone… too rushed… too slow… too loud… too soft…


It’s a lot, I know.

And I know that you are a pro at what you do.

And that you are doing remarkable work in the world and you have valuable ideas to share.

And that your voice and communication skills seem to be getting in your way.

Meet Ingrid

As a Transformational Vocal Coach (I’ve been called a “vocal therapist” more than once), I have spent the last two decades helping hundreds of individuals bring their voice and presentation skills to new levels of clarity, confidence, and cohesion.

My proprietary method – the Controlled Relaxation Technique – is as simple as it is effective and designed specifically to help you get the most out of your voice with the least amount of effort.

Oh, and… I’m delighted you’re here!


“I’m so grateful to Larry Moss for sending my way the best vocal coach I’ve ever found.

It’s so important to me that any mentor speaks the same language making things accessible and understandable. No fog, no clouding, no mystery.

Ingrid teaches a solid system that builds a lasting foundation, very specific and completely comprehensible that teaches you the habitual craft to build on. That’s invaluable. And what I love is that it’s physical. The whole warmup and exercises are physical. It so works for me. It’s freeing and makes you breathe. And that makes complete sense because singing and talking is physical.

She is also an extremely caring, attentive, positive and supportive person. While driven by my own desire to do the best I can I put myself on the spot but Ingrid never does. She’s nurturing and patient and inexhaustibly helpful and a true master.

I have to thank Ingrid profusely for boosting my confidence and reigniting my love for singing again after a bad injury with a long recovery. Nothing beats doing that.”

Eva Jenickova , Actress

“I worked with Ingrid over the course of a month and I had an absolutely great experience. I had never taken voice lessons before so I was brand new to this type of training. I found Ingrid to be very warm, encouraging and knowledgeable. I learned a lot about voicework in a very short period of time. I practiced the diaphragmatic breathing and resonance exercise we went over in our sessions and I was able to hear and feel the changes to my voice immediately afterwards. I got a lot out of working with Ingrid. I think she is a great vocal coach and I couldn’t recommend her highly enough.”

Ilya Leshinsky , Actor

“I worked with Ingrid to gain relief from vocal strain related to a health issue. When we started working together my voice was regularly and unexpectedly raspy and hoarse. During our time together, she was able to help me develop techniques to create clearer tones, more consistently. While my voice still falters occasionally (less frequently) I am much more confident in my ability to slow down, check my breathing, and communicate clearly. Also, she’s helped me develop a routine that supports ongoing power in my voice.

I’m pleased with our outcomes and count the decision to work with her as a great idea.

Thank you so much Ingrid!”

Clay Cutts, Square Peg Coaching

“Not being a singer, I was skeptical of what these lessons would be able to do for me.  Wow.  My lessons with Ingrid gave me a sense of confidence that I had lost a long time ago.  Ingrid is such an incredible teacher.  Her patience and expertise made the exploration of the power of voice one that has truly changed me fundamentally.  My awareness of my voice as an instrument and the knowledge of how to use it in any setting now allows me to feel open, grounded and proud.  I can’t thank her and her method enough.”

Nicholle Harrison , Learning and Development Consultant

“Can I sing? What’s my range? What does range even mean?  These questions that initially fueled my interest in seeking Ingrid out became the starting point to a deeply rewarding exploration of my voice and the psychology behind how I unconsciously shaped it over decades.  The realization that I speak in a low monotone often cutting off air and gripping my jaw led to a startling awareness of how much this has affected my emotional health, the way I’m perceived by others and the moods of those around me.  Ingrid created a safe space and provided guidance on how to begin the journey of detangling and deconstructing these learned mental and linguistic patterns while also shining a light on insecurities that needed attention.  Through her unique “Controlled Relaxation” training method, she helped me tap in to my true authentic voice, full of pitches, range, vulnerability and hope.  I left every session in a heightened state of joy from laughter, high notes, insights and unabashedly singing for the first time in my life.  Curiosity called me to Ingrid.  Gratitude kept me coming back.”

Annie Tenwick, Senior Account Manager

“One of the best things in life is finding a guide who is the right fit at the right time. I sought out Ingrid for three reasons: 1) I had developed some lazy vocal habits Zooming so much during the pandemic, 2) for several months my throat had been hurting in a particular place after a few hours of coaching clients, and 3) I needed to increase my vocal stamina in anticipation of an audiobook recording. Ingrid, of course, helped me noticeably improve in all three areas and she taught me tools and techniques that I can continue as a practice. All of that was great, but not surprising. What surprised and delighted me was how adept Ingrid is at creating a safe container for our work – she was fully present and supportive during those moments when deeper stuff came to the surface as I reconnected with my voice. She’s a pro.”

Kristine Oller, Change Strategist

“Training with Ingrid is a gift to my artistic journey. It has allowed me to find greater emotional depth and confidence in my instrument as an actress.

Ingrid’s approach to vocal development and empowerment is truly unique with a set of tools that I’ve learnt with no other coach. These tools are very specific, easy to integrate into a routine and transformative. Ingrid’s enormous passion and commitment to supporting artists plays also an important part in this magical process.

Thank you so much.”

Frederique Nahmani , Actress

“And I have finished recording my audiobook.  I tried going slow—and lifting my voice a bit at the end of sentences whenever possible (not always possible) and I managed five additional three-hour recording sessions (with just one fifteen-minute break midway through each) with little problem.  It sure pays to ask a master voice teacher for a tip!  Thank you so much again!  The audiobook will come out some time in November.  I’ll let you know!”

Susan Leicher, Author of Acts of Assumption

“This woman is amazing and you will benefit in every way after she teaches you how to communicate.  I have seen great things happen!”

Charli Yandolino, Event Coordinator Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Science

“Dear Ingrid, Thank you so much for working with the OppNet students the past 3 weeks. Your coaching, advice and guidance will undoubtedly be hugely helpful as these students continue to grow as professionals. I’m blown away by your insight, patience, and energy!! We were so lucky to have you this year.”

Megan Nestor, Program Director, The Opportunity Network (Bill Gates)

“Ingrid is an outstanding vocal and speech coach. She cares about her students and puts 100% into each session. I have seen fantastic results in audience reaction to my speeches since studying with her. I could not recommend anyone more highly.”

Robert Kiggens, Partner-Culhane Meadows PLLC

“Working with Ingrid, I developed vocal and presentation skills, as well as more confidence. I quickly felt the difference and got positive feedback from my coworkers, confirming the difference!”

Rebecca Wilson, Lead Manager, Branding and Consumer Strategy at AXA

“I knew well the importance of breathing to well-being, and taking it one step further, poise and self-confidence. But I couldn’t muster the discipline to change my ways until Ingrid Saxon set it to music. I took two of her workshops and it made an extraordinary difference. The sessions were fun, the students diverse and I learned a great deal that I continue to apply today. I also enjoy singing in a way I never did before now that I can hit a few more notes.”

Claire R. Wilson, Media savvy writer, NY Times editor

“I can’t thank Ingrid enough for her wonderful coaching to help me improve my voice. I came to Ingrid feeling that my voice would always be strained and unheard whenever I needed to speak with volume. I’m a firefighter who needs to be heard over loud equipment and now, not only do I have the skill and strength to project my voice, I also have the confidence that I will be heard when I need to be heard. What a relief this is! In working with Ingrid, I also learned to sing notes on pitch. This is something I never, ever thought I would be able to do!! Ingrid has opened up a whole new world to me by showing me what is possible with my voice and increasing my confidence when speaking to others. Ingrid’s knowledge and passion for her work is evident in every lesson and her enthusiasm is contagious; I would often go into my ‘last’ lesson with her only to be so energized and excited by the progress that we were making that I would sign up for more lessons. My work with Ingrid has been an extremely enjoyable experience.”

Melissa Brady, Firefighter

“I met the Ingrid Saxon on an Elevator in 2008. I was about to perform for the first time and was petrified. She helped draw me out of one of my shyest times and empower my voice beyond its musical qualities, which were magnified by her work, but she helped build my confidence to know that my voice had staying power. Ingrid nurtured the performer I hoped was in there somewhere and help me share “her” with others. These are tools that have stayed with me as a speaker and teacher. I will always be grateful that Ingrid believed in me when I just needed that nudge forward. She is the best there is in her industry, and I’m so blessed by the one elevator ride that led me to her. I love you, Ingrid!”

Xian Horn, Instructor at NYU’s Initiative for Women with Disabilities, Young Women’s Program

“I met Ingrid at a networking event some time ago and she was so excited about her craft as a presentational vocal coach, that I asked her to teach a class for a group of 40 entrepreneurs on how to present like a pro, which everyone’s exceptions were exceeded because of her delivery, skill and energy/passion. 

I also hired Ingrid for several one-on-one sessions because I had a number of speaking engagements and wanted do a good job on each. Ingrid is great at teaching people how to be great presenters/performers. She is also very fun and she really cares about her clients. As a result of working with her I delivered GREAT presentations at each of my speaking engagements. Thank You Ingrid. 

I look forward to working with Ingrid again.”

Lloyd Cambridge‬‬, Director at NYC Business Solutions

“I have attended Ingrid’s Vocal Classes to improve my basic communication skills for my business purposes. I received lot of feedback from my manager earlier around my communication, as at initial meetings, I was not always understood by Americans. This was somewhat attributed to my Indian Origin. After attending Ingrid’s classes for approx 3 months, I got lot of positive feedback around my communication. Now people (and most importantly my American Clients) were able to understand me at first go. I am able to make more impact in my discussions with Clients. Ingrid is very helpful and very encouraging. Her techniques really work. And most importantly she knows what she teaches. Attending Ingrid’s Classes seems like one of the most important decisions of my life which I took at right moment. I really enjoyed the time I spent during our sessions and really learned a lot from the sessions. I have made a great start on this journey and now I have to go on and on….Thanks Ingrid for all your help. I will relish the time we spent together for long time.”

Hitender Arora, IT Professional, Senior Technical Manager, HCL Technologies, Dehli India

Vocal Development and Communication for Singers, Actors, and Speakers

by Mr. David Sorin Collyer (Author)

I am very excited to offer my father David Sorin Collyer’s book “Vocal Communication and Development for Singers, Actors, and Speakers” on Amazon. My father was an extraordinary performer, who had a vibrant and successful career in Vaudeville, on Broadway, and as a world renowned vocal coach. He had a glorious voice and developed this brilliant vocal technique. I have the great pleasure of carrying on his legacy. I am an actress and singer, and I use his proprietary technique Controlled Relaxation to coach Performers and Business Professionals. I work with my students and clients to get the most out of their vocal potential, so that they can experience Powerful Projection, Resonance, and Physical Presence. We also have great results with accent reduction. Daily I get to see my students transform into dynamic, charismatic performers and presenters, and see the confidence that’s achieved through this innovative and holistic technique.

To find out more or to schedule a complimentary hour with me email

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